What are you exposed to all Day? Computer monitors, Cell phones, Tv's, people, toxins...What are you placing in your body? Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, GMO's, additives, preservatives... What can we do about it? Everything.!We are the master of our bodies. we can choose our environment. We can choose our food. We can choose who we associate with.Take accountability or suffer the consequence. Where we are in the world today is the consequence of of the choices of the collective whole. We make a difference by making a different choice
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Paradigms Of Health Consulting
Paradigms of Health
Today I want to focus on our emotional health. For years I have been physically disciplined and through the act of running or lifting,...
Our Body is our Temple
If asked to describe your body, what would you say? The first area in our power to change is ourselves (Locust of Control) Yet how many...
So as we think, We Become (Part 2)
Where the mind goes, the man follows..... The what ifs and if only's cause a feeling of emptiness. We must try to focus on what we do...
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