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So as we think, We Become (Part 2)


Where the mind goes, the man follows.....

The what ifs and if only's cause a feeling of emptiness. We must try to focus on what we do have and be grateful.So Cliche', I know... This sounds easier than it actually is for most of us. When faced with an obstacle we must force our thoughts away from "if only" I had more education, or "if only" I had more money or someone to help me. Where our mind goes creates either thoughts of lack, or thoughts of abundance. When I start to catch my thoughts going down the rabbit hole of "If only" I have to stop them first! Becoming aware is the 1st step. Now, not only do I stop those thoughts, I now replace them with "BUT"...But I do have this or that. I am learning to train my mind to all I do have, instead of all I lack. Such a powerful concept, yet so hard for many. We must force our thoughts to things that will help us find peace. And in that peace we gain perspective, acceptance and gratitude for all we do have. I challenge you today to become more aware of your thoughts. When you catch yourself wishing to be taller, or thinner, or younger, or richer, or to have a different job or partner, etc. Stop that train of thought and tell yourself something that will propel you forward, not hold you back..There is so much power in our thoughts that we take for granted. Where the mind goes, the man follows. What path have you set in front of you? One of constant lack and struggle? or one of Abundance and more than enough? It really does start with a thought....


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