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Today I want to focus on our emotional health. For years I have been physically disciplined and through the act of running or lifting, the physiological effects cleared my mind. It has taken me years to realize the why of staying fit is just as important. Why did I workout? of course the aforementioned, to clear my mind but now what am I filling it with? Am I leaving the gym or the running path thinking about the traffic, or the person who held up the line at the grocery store? Am I holding expectations of others and allowing those expectations to steal my joy and energy? Do I have a strong support system of family and/or friends. What does my job look like? Am I over worked? Do I love my Job? am I in a supportive relationship? How am I showing up in my relationships? Am I needy? Am I giving too much of myself and feeling depleted? Do I grow and learn from my experiences? What can I do to change my circumstances if I am not feeling emotionally strong or feel imbalance in my life? There are so many areas of our lives that need to be nurtured. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. We start by building a solid foundation. One consisting of honest work, building authentic relationships, placing our health above money or the worlds loud voice of more and convenience. There is nothing easy or convenient that is good for your health (Except water and air;). We must diligently wake each day with a mindset that I am going to eat well, exercise, take care of my responsibilities, be grateful, accept what life brings with an open mind and heart, set healthy boundaries, ensure quality of sleep, nurture important relationships and work towards utilizing your abilities to help others. So yes, running or lifting helps build that foundation! yet, we have to exercise that discipline in all paradigms of health. (Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social). Reach out if you are ready to build a strong foundation for your health & wellbeing. The journey starts with the 1st step. At Paradigms of Health consulting we have the experience and knowledge to coach you through...

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